Thursday, June 4, 2009

Feeling sad...

So, I was feeling sad about leaving here even before my flight left YVR. I know I should live in the moment, but for those who know me, know that I am a planner and that I plan everything -- even the sadness I know I will have when I will be leaving Italy. Now that it is coming close I have a sick feeling deep inside that I am leaving my home. I have been trying not to think about it because it is just so draining, but it is fast approaching. It is funny how when I am here my other life seems so far away.


Pixie Dust and Dragonflies ~ Ramblings and Musings said...
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Pixie Dust and Dragonflies ~ Ramblings and Musings said...

How much you are my daughter.... I'm sorry in a way that I gave you that trait Kris ~ it's a tough one...

You have a deep love of Italy, just as I do of Cuba, it's culture, and its people. I spontaneously started to cry as the wheels of the plane left the tarmac last December... In short, I get it.

I wish I could wave a magic wand, and time could stand still, or circumstances could change so that Sunday would not arrive... alas I cannot. I suspect, however, that what you are now experiencing has helped you put your life, and your priorities, into some sort of perspective; or at the very least, provided you with a new angle with which to view them. Remember then, the feelings you are now having about looking forward because in fact, you are indeed 'in the moment' as you experience them.... I think they are important Kristie.

Besos, Mom

Pixie Dust and Dragonflies ~ Ramblings and Musings said...

PS - the 'deleted message' was from me Kris.... I should have 'previewed' before I posted it..... (I'm learning).
